Q.1) The Cursor Stored Procedures are.........- 2 true choices.
A. sp_describe_column
B. sp_indexs
C. sp_primarykeys
D. sp_cursor_list
E. A and D
Q.2) All information about tables in user Database is stored in a set of tables called the System catalog.that can be accessed using........- 1 true choice.
A. Security Stored Procedures
B. Catalog Stored Procedures
C. Distributed Query Stored Procedures
D. A and B
E. User-define Stored Procedures
Q.3) Where are Catalog Stored Procedures?-2 true choices
A. sp_column
B. sp_addalias
C. sp_describe_cursor
D. sp_database and sp_statistics
E. A and C
Q.4) The Stored procedures use to manage the security of the database. They are:-1 true choice.
A. Database Mail and SQL mail stored Procedures
B. Cursor Stored Procedures.
C. Security Stored Procedures
D. Database Mail and SQL mail stored Procedures.
E. Distributed Query Stored Procedures
Q.5) Database Mail and SQL mail stored Procedures. - 1 true choice.
A. Used to perform email operations from within the SQL server.
B. Use in the management of distributed queries.
C. Use to implement the functionality of a Cursor.
D. Use to manage the security of the DB.
E. Send mail to the SQL server.
Q.6) The Stored Procedure - 2 true choices.
A. is a set of pre-compiled T-SQL statements executed as a single unit.
B. is a set of T-SQL that are executed as a single block of code that performs a specific task.
C. is used in database Administrative and information activities.
D. can be created to carry out repetitive
E. All of about.
Q.7) The ........is used to change the owner of the current database.-1 true choice.
A. sp_cursor_list
B. sp_changedbowner
C. sp_addalias
D. sp_describe_column
E. A and D
Q.8) Advantages of The Store Procedures are: 2 true choices
A. Reduced client/server traffic
B. can be created to carry out repetitive
C. Reuse of code.
D. A and B
E. B and D
Q.9) Which are not System Stored Procedures?-2 true choices.
A. Distributed Query Stored Procedures
B. Extended Stored Procedures
C. Temporary Stored Procedures
D. Database Mail and SQL mail stored Procedures.
E. Cursor Stored Procedures
Q.10) The Stored procedures are created for temporary uses with a session are called...- 1 true choice.
A. Local Temporary Procedures
B. Global Temporary Procedures
C. Remote Stored Procedures
D. Temporary Stored Procedures
E. Customer Stored Procedures
Q.11) The..............are used to perform tasks that are unable to be perform using standard T-SQL statement. - 1 true choice
A. Extended Stored Procedures.
B. T-SQL Stored Procedures
C. Local stored Procedures
D. B and C
E. Not of about
Q.12) The................are not residents of SQL server. they are implemented as Dynamic Link Libraries(DLL) executed outside the SQL Server Environment.- 1 true choice.
A. Remote Stored Procedures (your answer)
B. Temporary Stored Procedures
C. Extended Stored Procedures.
D. B and C
E. Customer Stored Procedures
Q.13) The ...................are created individual user databases. And cannot be accessed by any user other than the one who has created it.- 1 true choice
A. Extended Stored Procedures
B. Temporary Stored Procedures
C. Local stored Procedures
D. Global Temporary Procedures
E. B and C
Q.14) The Local Temporary Procedures are............- 2 true choices.
A. Visible only to the user that create them.
B. visible for all users
C. use # prefix before the procedure name
D. use ##
E. can be used any user
Q.15) The Global Tem Procedures ....- 3 true choices
A. are dropped at the end of the last session.
B. are dropped at the end of the current session
C. Can only be used by its owner
D. can be used any user (your answer)
E. are visible for all users (your answer)
Q.16) Temporary Stored Procedures include:- 2 true choices
A. Local Temporary Procedures (your answer)
B. Global Temporary Procedures
C. Local stored Procedures (your answer)
D. Customer Stored Procedures
E. A and C
Q.17) EXECUTE xp_fileexists 'C:\sample.txt' - 1 true choice.
A. Check file sample.txt exists.
B. check file sample.txt exists or not (your answer)
C. Execute a file is named sample.txt
D. A and C
E. Not all about
Q.18) OBJECT_DEFINITION() - 2 choices
A. system stored procedure use to display the dependencies of a stored procedure (your answer)
B. System function used to display the definition of a stored procedure.
C. System view used to display definition of a stored procedure.
D. System function used to display the definition of a stored procedure by specifying the object ID of the procedure.
E. A and D
Q.19) The...............create stored procedures for performance of various tasks, they are referred to as user-defined or custom stored procedures and can be set to override the default system procedures.- 1 true choice.
A. Extended Stored Procedures
B. Customer Stored Procedures
C. T-SQL Stored Procedures
D. System Stored Procedures
E. A and D
Q.20) Using "OUTPUT" clause.- 2 true choice
A. Return information from each row on which the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE have been executed.
B. Create stored procedures for performance of various tasks, they are referred to as user-defined or custom stored procedures
C. Useful to retrieve the value of an identity or computed column after an INSERT or UPDATE operation
D. Print out a Variable.
E. E and C
Q.21) When a local temporary table is created inside a stored procedure, the table disappears when the procedure is exited.
A. False
B. True
Q.22) System stored procedure used to display the definition of a stored procedure?-1 true choice.
A. Object_definition()
B. sp_helptext
C. sp_depends
D. sys.sql_modules
E. sp_display
Q.23) A Stored Procedure can reference tables, views, user-define functions and other
A. True
B. False
Q.24) The permission associated with the stored procedure are not lost when a store procedure is re-created. And when a stored procedure is altered, the permissions defined for the stored procedure remain the same even though the procedure definition is changed
A. true
B. false
Q.25) Everyone can modify or rename all procedure.
A. true
B. false
Q.26) A Stored procedure can be modified to change the procedure name as well as the procedure definition.
A. True
B. False
Q.27) Stored procedures can be dropped if they are no longer needed. if another stored procedure calls a deleted procedure,- 1 choice.
A. a replaced procedure is display.
B. An error message is display.
C. No procedure display
D. B and C
E. none about
Q.28) Before dropping a procedure, execute the.......................... system stored procedure to determine which objects depend on the procedure- 1 choice
A. sys.sql_modules
B. sp_depends
C. sp_helptext
D. sp_check
E. A and B
Q.29) The RETURN statement passes control back to the calling program. any T-SQL statements following the RETURN statement are executed.
A. True
B. False
Q.30) if a new procedure is created using the same name as well as the same parameters as the drop procedure, all calls to the dropped procedure will be - 1 choice
A. Denied immediately
B. executed successfully
C. Had some error messages
D. No Action
E. None about
Q.31) If a stored procedure is executed successfully, It returns ...........by default. If errors are encountered and the procedure is not successfully executed, ...............integer value is returned.- 1 choice
A. a values zero ....................a non - one
B. a non-zero .................a zero
C. a non-zero ........... a greater than zero
D. a values zero...................a non-zero
E. A and D
Q.32) When a stored procedure is created using options, these options should be included in the ALTER PROCEDURE statement to retain their function.
A. false
B. True
Q.33) .....................are defined at the time of creation of procedure.- 2 choice
A. Input parameters
B. Output parameters
C. A and B
D. Name of stored procedure
Q.34) Which statement is true? - 1 choice.
A. If the OUPUT key word is omitted, the procedure is still executed.
B. If the OUPUT key word is omitted, the procedure is still executed but is not return a value.
C. If the OUPUT key word is omitted, the procedure is not executed but is not return a value.
D. A and B
E. If the OUPUT key word is omitted, the procedure is still executed and returns a value.
Q.35) Which statement is true?- 1 choice
A. When the RETURN statement is used in a stored procedure, It can return a null value. If a procedure tries to return a null value, a warning message is generated and the value zero is returned.
B. When the RETURN statement is used in a stored procedure, It cannot return a null value. if a procedure tries to return a null value, a warning message is generated and the value zero is returned.
C. When the RETURN statement is used in a stored procedure, It cannot return a null value. if a procedure tries to return a null value, a warning message is generated and the value one is returned.
D. None above
E. A and C
Q.36) Which statements are true?- 2 choices
A. The OUTPUT parameters can be of TEXT and IMAGE data type.
B. The calling statement must contain a variable to receive the return value
C. The variable can be used in subsequent T-SQL statements in the batch or the calling procedure.
D. Output parameter cannot be cursor placeholders
Q.37) Displays the default error message for an error.-1 choice.
Q.38) Which statement are false?-2 choice
A. The stored procedure cannot be nested
B. The maximum level of nesting is 32
C. There is no limit as to the number of stored procedure that can be called from a given stored procedure
D. None above (your answer)
Q.39) Specifies an integer value to be returned though the stored procedure.- 1 choice
Q.40) Which statement is not True?- 2 choice
A. When stored procedure is executed from other stored procedure, the procedures are said to be nested.
B. When an error occurs in the TRY block, the statements following the statement that caused the error are executed only after CATCH block is executed.
C. When the @@ERROR function is called, an error message is returned for the error occurring in the last executed statement.
D. A and C
Q.41) Which statements are true?- 3 choices
A. Trigger cannot be executed directly nor do they pass or receive parameters.
B. A Trigger is executed when the table is created.
C. Trigger is a stored procedure that executed when data in a specified table is modified.
D. Trigger is the same as Check constraint.
E. Trigger is often created to enforce referential integrity among logically related data in different table.
Q.42) which are true?- 3 choice
A. @@ERROR_LINE : Returns the line number that caused the error
B. @@ERROR: Returns the error number for the error in the last T_SQL statement.
C. @NESTLEVEL: Specifies the level of nesting of the current procedure.
D. The RETURN function specifies the return value for a stored procedure
E. The return code indicates the execution status of the stored procedure.
Q.43) The DDL Triggers.... 2 choice
A. Are used to check and control database operations.
B. Are used to enforce business rules when data is modified in tables or views.
C. Are defined at the database level.
D. Execute either while modifying the data or after the data is modified.
E. Operate only after the table or view is modified. and are defined either at the database or the server level
Q.44) DML Trigger is executed when....- 1 choice
A. A session is established with a LOGON event.
B. data is inserted, modified or delete in a table or a View using the INSERT,UPDATE or DELETE statements
C. A table or a view is created, modified, or delete using the CREATE,ALTER, or DROP statements.
Q.45) The OUTPUT keyword specifies that the variables are involved in passing values from the called procedure to the calling program.
A. True
B. False
Q.46) The UPDATE triggers are created either at the column level or at the table.
A. True
B. false
Q.47) Which are true for DELETE Trigger? - 2 choices.
A. The record is deleted from the trigger table and inserted in the inserted table
B. The record is deleted from the trigger table and inserted in the deleted table
C. The deleted record stored in the deleted table is copied back to the Trigger table.
D. The deleted record stored in the deleted table is lost when Trigger is executed.
Q.48) INSTEAD OF Triggers.- 2 choices
A. Is executed in place of the INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE operation.
B. cannot be created on views, It is only on tables
C. A tables or a view can have any INSTEAD OF trigger defined for INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.
D. Are executed before constraint checks are performed on the table. and They executed after creating Inserted and Deleted tables,
Q.49) which statements are true?- 2 choices
A. An AFTER trigger is executed on completion of DROP, ATLTER and CREATE.
B. AFTER triggers can be created on tables and columns
C. A table can have multiple AFTER trigger defined for each INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operation.
D. An AFTER trigger is executed before the constraint check in the table is completed
E. The Trigger is executed after the inserted and Deleted tables are created.
Q.50) Which statement is true?
A. Update triggers do not use the Deleted table to update records in a table
B. Delete trigger do not use the Inserted table to delete records from a table
Q.51) Where are true?
A. Each triggering action can have multiple AFTER triggers
B. Two triggers action on a table can have the same first and last triggers
C. trigger definition can be viewed if the information is not encrypted
D. DML trigger definition can be modified by dropping and creating the trigger.
Q.52) Which statements are false?
A. DDL trigger for DROP operation can be created as an INSTEAD OF trigger.
B. a DDL trigger for ALTER event can be invoked only after the modification operations are completed
C. a DDL trigger definition can be display using as_helptext.
D. a DD L trigger can be removed from the current database using the DROP TRIGGER
Q.53) Indexes are used for faster retrieval of data. And improve the speed of query when accessing data a database.
A. True
B. false
Q.54) DDL Triggers are...
A. UPDATE trigger
B. DROP Trigger
C. INSERT Trigger
D. DELETE Trigger
E. CREATE and ALTER Trigger
Q.55) A table can have only one Clustered index and 249 non-clustered indexes.
A. True
B. False
Q.56) Reseves space on the intermediate level of an index.
C. Computed
D. Unique
Q.57) ...............index stores data in a sorted manner.
A. Non-clustered
B. Clustered
C. unique
Q.58) A ...........is created on 2 or more columns. Both clustered index and non-clustered index can be............
A. Composite Index
B. Full-Text Index
C. Xml Index
D. Unique Index
Q.59) A ..............can be defined on a column with no duplicate values.
A. Full-Text Index.
B. Unique Index
C. XML Index
Q.60) Too many Indexes decrease the performance of ............- 3 choices
Q.61) Non-cluster indexes do not physically rearrange the data in the database. and cluster index causes records to be physically sorted or sequential order.
A. True
B. False
Q.62) What option to reserve space on the leaf page of an index for adding additional data at a later stage?
Q.63) An Index can have a max of ....columns
A. 26
B. 32
C. 24
D. 16
E. no limit
Q.64) FILLFACTOR value ranges from 0-100?
A. True
B. False
Q.65) Way to view index?
A. SP_helptext 'index_name'
B. sp_textindex 'table_name'
C. sys.sql_modules index_name'
D. sp_helpindex 'index_name'
E. sp_helpindex 'table_name'
Q.66) A View is defined with an unique clustered index, is useful for queries that aggregate many rows, but is not suitable for tables that are frequently updated.
A. Standards View
B. Indexed View
C. Partitioned View
Q.67) The properties of an Object such as a table or a view, are stored in special system data. These properties are........................
A. System Views
B. Metadata
C. Index
D. constraints
E. inserted, deleted
Q.68) A View is created using horizontally partitioned data from one or more tables.
A. indexed View
B. Partitioned View
C. Standard view
Q.69) A View is created using column from one or more table and providing specific access to data for viewing and manipulation.
A. Indexed View
B. Standard View
C. Partitioned View
Q.70) A View is created in everywhere databases.
A. True
B. False
Q.71) A View can be created on temporary table.
A. True
B. False
Q.72) Clustered index, non-clustered index can be created on the view.
A. True
B. False
Q.73) A View definition cannot contain keywords:
A. Insert
B. Compute by
C. Group By
D. Delete
E. Into
Q.74) A View definition cannot contain keywords:
A. Update
B. Compute
C. drop
D. Default
E. Top..........Group by
Q.75) A View may be having a FullText index.
A. True
B. False
Q.76) View can reference more than 1024 columns.
A. True
B. False
Q.77) The create view statement can be combined with other T-SQL statements in a single batch.
A. True
B. False
Q.78) DML Triggers are:- 3 choices:
A. Used to enforce business rule when data is modified in table or view
B. defined either at the Database or in the server level
C. defined at the database
D. executed after the table or view is modified
E. executed either while or after the table or view (data) is modified
Q.79) A View cannot reference a temporary table.
A. True
B. False
Q.80) View can retrieve information from xml data type using........... Method.
A. Object_id()
B. value()
C. Return()
Q.81) Prevents invalid data from being entered into the column.- 1 choice.
A. Validity
B. Data integrity
C. Business Rules
D. Constraint
Q.82) Refers to validity and consistency of data- 1choice.
A. Data integrity
B. Constraint
C. Business Rules
D. Validity
Q.83) Ensure that data lies within a specified type or range constraints-1 choice
A. Validity
B. Business Rules
C. Constraint
D. Data integrity
Q.84) A column with this constraint does not allow duplicate values, but allows null values to be inserted.- 1 choice
A. primary key
B. check
C. foreign key
D. unique
Q.85) Which statements are True?- 3 choices
A. Constraints assist in ensuring data integrity
B. Triggers are values that you can define on a column or a group of column
C. Rules are the constraints that you can apply to multiple tables
D. Rules are independent of table definitions.
E. Default are the codes automatically executed when a a specified event occurs.
Q.86) Entity Integrity are:-3 choices
A. Foreign key constraint
B. Primary key constraint
C. Unique constraint
D. index, Identity property
E. Check, Default constraint
Q.87) Refers to policies and standards adhered to by an organization in running its operations.
A. Data integrity
B. Constraint
C. Business Rules
D. Validity
Q.88) Ensure that the values in a column are within a specified range
-1 choice.
A. Referential Integrity
B. Domain Integrity
C. User-defined
D. Entity integrity
Q.89) A column with this constraint does not allow null values or duplicate value to be inserted. - 1 choice.
A. Unique
B. foreign key
C. primary key
Q.90) Refers to constraints defined by user. - 1 choice.
A. Referential Integrity
B. Entity Integrity
C. Domain Integrity
D. User-define Integrity
Q.91) Domain integrity include:- 3 choices
A. Primary key constraint, Default constraint
B. Foreign key constraint, Default constraint
C. Unique constraint
D. Check constraint
E. Not null definition, rules , Data types
Q.92) Maintaining consistency of data across tables that related through common columns. - 1 choice.
A. Entity Integrity
B. Domain Integrity
C. Referential Integrity
Q.93) In a table, when no two rows have the exact same values in all columns.- 1 choice.
A. Domain Integrity
B. Entity Integrity
C. Referential Integrity
D. user-defined
Q.94) Which statements are true? - 3 choices.
A. A row in a table represents the instance of an entity
B. Referential integrity is implemented using UNIQUE constraint
C. A domain defines the range of values for columns in a table
D. User-defined integrity is maintained using default constraints
E. Default definitions specify default values for columns that do not accept null values.
Q.95) Maintains relationship between tables in a database, and Ensure consistency of data across related tables.- 1 choice
A. User-define
B. Entity integrity
C. Referential Integrity
D. Domain Integrity
Q.96) Which statements are true?- 2 choices
A. The PRIMARY KEY constraint allows a null value to be entered once in a column.
B. Constraints are used to ensure validity of data in a table and consistency of data across tables
C. A column specified with a UNIQUE constraint should have reference to the Primary Key column.
D. The Foreign key constraint helps in maintaining referential integrity in the database
Q.97) Ensures that each record in a table is unique.- 1 choice.
A. User-define Integrity
B. Referential Integrity
C. Entity Integrity
D. Domain Integrity
C# Master
1) A local variable
a) Can be used anywhere in the program
b) Is declared within a method
c) Must accept a class
d) Represent a class object
2) An instance variable
a) (your answer) is an object of a class
b) represents an attribute of an object
c) is a method of a class
d) a and c
3) Private Button print = new button();
a) creates a button control
b) initializes a button control
c) instantiates button control
d) a and b
e) a and c
4) An instance method
a) Represents the behavior of an object
b) Represents the attribute of an object
c) Represents another class
d) a and b
5) A Constructor
a) is used to create objects
b) (your answer) must have the same name as the class it is declared within
c) maybe overloaded
d) b and c
e) all of the above
6) class Test: Form { }
a) Creates the class Test : Form
b) (your answer) Creates the class Test that inherits the class Form
c) Creates the class form that inherits the class Test
d) a and b
7) A variable declared inside a method is called a________variable
a) Static
b) Private
c) (your answer) Local
d) Serial
e) b and d
8) Defining two methods with the same name but with different parameters is called.
a) Loading
b) Overloading - correct answer
c) Multiplexing
d) Duplexing
9) Find any errors in the following BankAccount constructor: Public int BankAccount() { balance = 0; }
a) Name
b) Formal parameters
c) Return type
d) No errors
10) In the body of a method, C# uses the variable named_____to refer to the current object whose method is being invoked.
a) call
b) this-
c) do
d) that
11) String mystring; Creates a(n)
a) Class
b) Constructor
c) Object
d) a and b
12) An Event is
a) The result of a users action - correct answer
b) result of a party
c) code to force users action
13) A delegate defines
a) (your answer) a Wahsington representative
b) a class that encapsulates methods
c) a means of passing arrays into methods
d) a substitue for an inherited method
14) Is it possible to pass methods as arguments for other methods without modification.
a) True
b) False
15) All interfaces must contain IDrivable
a) True
b) False
16) What is the proper header for a class that intends to use an interface.
a) class MyClass IFace
b) class MyClass ; IFace
c) class MyClass : IFace
d) class MyCalss {IFace}
e) class MyCalss(IFace)
17) In order for a class to use an interface, it must
a) inherit the properties of the interface
b) (your answer) contain the same methods as the interface
c) create an interface objects
d) a and b
e) all of the above
18) Every class directly or indirectly extends the______class.
a) System
b) Object
c) Drawing
d) Console
19) The concept of composition specifies that you can.
a) Compose good code with C#
b) Compose C# projects with different objects
d) (your answer) Reduce errors by remaining composed during programming
e) all of the above
20) Polymorphism occurs when the methods of the child class.
a) Override the parent class methods but maintain the implementation
b) Maintain the same return type and arguments as the parent class, but implement it differently
c) Have different return types and arguments than the parent class
d) Are Virtual
21) To output the value of multidimensional array, Console.WriteLines(___)
a) myArray[1][3]; -
b) myArray[1.3];
c) myArray{1}{3};
d) myArray(1),(3);
22) All methods in an abstract base class must be declared abstract.
a) True
b) False
23) Methods that are declared abstract in the base class must show implementation at the time of declaration.
a) True
b) False
24) The code public class B : A { }
a) Defines a class that inherits all the methods of A
b) (your answer) Defines a class that inherits the public methods of A only
c) Errors
d) a and b
25) Assuming that public class B : A { public B(int i) :base(i) { } } compiles and runs correctly, what can we conclude about the constructors in the class A?
a) One constructor takes an argument of type i
b) There is only a default constructor
c) (your answer) One constructor takes an arguments of the type int
d) a and b
26) Classes declared with the sealed keyword cannot be base class.
a) True
b) False
27) A method_____an exception when that method detects that a problem has occured.
b) Catches
c) Throws
d) a and b
28) Exception objects are derived from the class.
a) Try
b) Catch
c) Exception
d) Event
e) System
29) An abstract class
a) may contain instance variables
b) may contain constructors
c) (your answer) may extend another class
d) a and b
e) all of the above
30) A____block enclose the code that could throw an exception.
a) Try
b) Catch
c) Exception
d) Error
e) a and b
31) A Thread is:
a) an object that allows computer multitasking
b) an object that wraps itself with other threads
c) a deprecated object that is no longer used
32) Synchronization is:
a) the delaying of a thread until there is sufficient memory and work to keep it up
b) making every thread start and end at the same time
c) make each thread do the same thing
d) have each thread start at the same time but not necessarily finish together
33) In C# Thread.Sleep(time) measures time in:
a) seconds
b) milliseconds
c) nanoseconds
d) all of the above
34) When a thread returns from a WaitSleepJoin or Suspended state it returns to the:
a) Unstarted state
b) Stopped state
c) Started state (now considering a part of the running state)
d) Resume state
35) The ThreadPriority enumeration does not contain:
a) Lowest
b) Highest
c) BelowNormal
d) None of the above
36) The way of returning a thread from s suspended state is:
a) Pulse
b) PulseAll
c) Interrupt
d) Resume
e) ReStart
37) In order to lock/unlock an object use the.
a) Lock and Unlock methods
b) Enter and Exit methods
c) Close and Open methods
d) Close and Allow methods
38) Class String and the Char structure found in the:
a) System.Strings namespace
b) System.Text namespace
c) System.Chars namespace
d) System namespace
39) A String literal is a:
a) only contains one character
b) contains numbers rather than letters
c) sequence of characters in double quotation marks
d) contains exactly its variable name and nothing else
40) To create a string literal exclude escape sequence, use:
a) !string
b) @string
c) #string
d) $string
41) String indexers treat strings as:
a) binary code
b) 1 to string Length
c) arrays of characters
d) a character
42) If an IndexofAny method is passed an array of characters it:
a) finds the first occurrence of each letter in the string
b) searches for the first occurrence of any of the characters in the string
c) will search for the first occurrence of the sequence of characters
d) generates an error
43) Concatenating with strings are done with:
a) reserved words
b) method calls
c)operator overloading
d) operator overloading and method calls
44) If two StringBuilder objects contain the same string then
a) they represent the same meory location
b) they are two different objects
c) if one changes, so will the other
d) None of the above
45) The proper way to convert a string to all lowercase is:
a) String = string.ToLower(string);
b) ToLower(string);
c) (string.ToLower();
d) string.ToLower(string);
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
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